ABAT Members – Mount UP!

by Jill Tuggle, ABAT Executive Director

ABAT members, it’s 2025!! And there’s a good chance that by the time this issue hits your desk, the 89th legislative session will have started. I can’t even believe that! It seems like it was just a few months ago when we were making our last legislative push, but it was, in fact, two years ago! 

This time, we need you more than we ever have. This year, it is absolutely crucial that we pass legislation to address many issues in Texas but especially SB 369 – the Right to Appraisal bill. And we need heroes. We need you to donate, make phone calls, show up to the Capitol, and for heaven’s sake, if you are not a member – join ABAT. 

Here’s what we specifically need from our members in the coming weeks:

  Donations: We need 75 more shops to step up and be Political Champions for us. ABAT needs to raise $82,000 for our share of the costs to afford the team of folks it will take to pass this bill. These funds will go directly to the staff in charge of lobbying, our legal team and campaigning for these bills. While we like for these champions to come in at the $1000 level, any donation amount is helpful. 

  Membership: The number of members in our organization tells lawmakers how seriously to take us. We need to look strong and be strong. Membership dues also help us cover operating costs for the year. 

  Show up: We will be asking you to make phone calls, send emails and even show up to the Capitol to spread awareness about the struggles we face as collision repairers. While this may seem intimidating for many, I promise you this will be one of the easiest things you can do. It’s all about honesty and speaking from your heart. Most lawmakers have no idea how much of a struggle it is to get the carriers to properly compensate for a safe and proper repair. They just need to hear from the shops in their markets about the problems that you face day to day. A casual conversation about your struggles is all that’s needed, and we even have email templates you can use. Please make 2025 the year that you resolve to be a changemaker in our industry. 

You can donate, join and read more about our proposed legislation on our ALL-NEW website: abat.us.

Have a blessed year – love you all!!

Want more? Check out the January 2025 issue of Texas Automotive!