New Jersey Automotive

July 2022


The July issue of New Jersey Automotive includes a cover story on the EV revolution, a feature on a recently retired shop owner and longtime AASP/NJ member, a recap of AASP/NJ's training event and much more!

July 20222022-07-01T19:21:31+00:00

June 2022


The June issue of New Jersey Automotive looks into the future of who will repair vehicles in 2030, recaps AASP/NJ's most recent training and Town Hall sessions, features a member shop and much more!

June 20222022-06-02T14:54:38+00:00

May 2022


The May issue of New Jersey Automotive includes a recap of the New Jersey SkillsUSA competition, an eye-opening look at what consumers know (and may not know) about the collision repair industry, a conversation with an industry inspiration, and much more!

May 20222022-05-02T12:01:47+00:00
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