SCC: Don’t Miss This Chance to Get Big Vision

by Jordan Hendler

WMABA has worked hard to bring this opportunity, made for you.

All that we do in preparation of the Collision P.R.E.P (Professional Repairer Education Program) series coming May 1-3 at the Southeast Collision Conference at the Greater Richmond Convention Center in Richmond, Virginia, is all arranged so that our industry can have opportunities to increase their knowledge, network and professionalism. In these modern times, getting yourself to industry events has never been more important to your professional health!

Both WMABA and the Carolinas Collision Association are excited to host the national Collision Industry Conference and Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) meetings in conjunction with SCC, also held in the same location. Several other national associations will also be holding board meetings or council meetings. It will bring another level of engagement, community and information to the repairers in our market regions.

Every person in the modern repair facility will be informed and challenged by a slate of nationally-known and recognized speakers. Folks like Mike Anderson, Danny Gredinberg, Mike Jones, Taylor Moss and more – in addition to a full panel discussion with OEMs – draw repairers from far and wide! With the education program, there will be classes throughout the day Friday and Saturday for attendees to choose based on their interests and needs.  

Every conference and meeting I attend is a testament to how gravely important it is for shops to be engaged – from management to technician to detailer – in the gathering of technological and structural advancements taking place in today’s vehicles and today’s business climate. When I say structural, I mean the vehicle and how you’ve structured your business model. Repairers who are adapting and changing are making headway, and it’s important that the entire industry do the same. 

We are a skilled profession, not a trade. I don’t take credit for that realization; it goes to someone who’s a longtime owner who has always strived to repair vehicles by the OE procedure every time. But it’s high time we stand in a place of authority.

Much happens without you knowing, if you don’t leave your four walls. I give the analogy that it’s like our industry is suffering from perpetual “Covid shut-in syndrome”. What does that mean? It means you’re not getting out; many are only getting the education that comes to their doorstep or online. Trust me, ladies and gents, it’s not the same as being present, and in so many ways you’re only cheating yourself of positive revelation. 

When you come to education events in person, you get a greater sense of purpose, of industry, of community and of knowledge and it’s vital to every aspect of your day-to-da, no matter your position. 

If you make one investment in your business this year, let it be the Southeast Collision Conference.

There’s too much at stake, both for you and your customers, to stick to the daily grind and not engage. I promise you will gain insight as to your own future and ways in which you can get to it, and people who will rally around and with you to see it happen. 

The Conference isn’t just a conference; it’s our associations’ best weapon against the onslaught you face and we want to raise you into a leader who knows how to bring resources into power and light. 

Get all the details by visiting

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