Give Yourself a Pat on the Back

by Matthew Ciaschini, AASP/MA President

It’s been a long time coming, but all our hard work over the past six years has finally paid off with some progress on the labor rate suppression front!

The Economic Development Bill that passed last November includes the establishment of an auto body labor rate advisory board that will survey shops in the Commonwealth and neighboring states to determine and make recommendations on a fair and equitable labor rate. (See complete details in last month’s cover story, available at

While we clearly didn’t get the raise we want (and deserve) right off the bat, this will be the impetus to increase the minimum labor reimbursement rate to a more reasonable amount, an amount that allows us to pay our employees and invest in our businesses. I really cannot overstate the impact this victory will have on the collision repair industry in Massachusetts; it gives us a voice in the new Auto Body Labor Rate Advisory Board (ABLRAB) – three voices, technically, since AASP/MA was granted the privilege of selecting the auto repair industry’s representatives. 

The ABLRAB has its work cut out for it with plenty left to accomplish, but once they determine and suggest what the labor reimbursement should be for body shops in our state, I believe their efforts will become invaluable. Moving forward, I think that our industry’s involvement on this Board will become a tool we can use to promote the need for us to always have a seat at the table to allow us to continue progressing the industry as these needs arise. 

When costs go up, that Board meeting twice a year will hear from the repair shop representatives about those increased costs, so they can discuss why the labor reimbursement rate needs to continue to increase at a proportional rate so we never again find ourselves 40 years behind the time. 

Making any type of progress legislatively is tiresome and time-consuming, and this achievement comes after six years of work from many individuals. I remember sitting on a call with Immediate Past President Kevin Gallerani, Executive Director Lucky Papageorg and about five others back in 2020 when we were hammering out the details of what would become our labor reimbursement rate bill back then. Many iterations later, we’ve finally negotiated something that was palatable for both sides, and it has been adopted. It shows that all that hard work, frustration and feeling like we’re getting nowhere added up to make a difference and truly mean something positive. 

This is a HUGE accomplishment that the association should be touting to everyone, not just our members but also those who have yet to make the forward-thinking business decision to become members. As a group, this association achieved something great, and we can accomplish even more when we work together. If you played any role – calling or writing your legislators, coming out when we marched at Beacon Hill or educating other shops – thank you; give yourself a pat on the back because you helped make the difference. If you weren’t involved, you owe a debt of gratitude to those who worked so hard on your behalf, and I encourage you to join us now so you can be part of the positive change we’re going to effect moving forward. 

Our next big initiative is focused on the movement of the Auto Damage Appraisers Licensing Board from the Division of Insurance to the Division of Occupational Licensure; tune in to this month’s members-only newsletter, Damage Report, for my thoughts on those plans. Not a member yet? Join now for access! See the application on page 7 or visit 

Want more? Check out the February 2025 issue of New England Automotive Report!